HCE Blog

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Different Types of COVID-19 Tests

It’s now the end of September 2021 and COVID-19 is definitely a household name. The topic of COVID-19 continues to dominate news stations, social media, and conversations in general. By this point, we all know what COVID-19 is and we likely know the symptoms...but what do you do if you actually have symptoms? What do you do if you don’t have symptoms but were exposed to someone with COVID-19? T...


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Spider Bites

We have gotten through Summer and are now coming into Fall. The weather is nicer and it makes all of us want to go out and explore more, take more bike rides, and spend more time playing in our yards. Everyone, including spiders. Spiders are most active during the end of Summer and throughout Fall. Although most spiders are harmless to humans, bites from spiders can be painful, irritating, and ...


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The Truth About Ivermectin

We need to take a moment and actually have a talk about Ivermectin and its effects on not only the COVID-19 pandemic but also the effects it has on the human body. To get straight to the point, Ivermectin has not been authorized nor approved as a treatment or prevention against COVID-19. The medication is used to treat viral infections both inside and outside of the body. Ivermectin is safe to ...


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Return to School, Return of Lice

Back to School For many of us, it’s been over a year since our children have returned to in-person school. Although our children are thrilled about returning to their teachers & friends, there is something else that is also thrilled about the kids returning to school. That something is lice. Pediculus humanus capitis is the scientific name given to these blood-sucking parasites that infest the...


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Maybe It's Not Just a Cold...

Watch Out for RSV!

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is an illness that normally presents itself in the winter season, but this year has proven to be different. According to the CDC, in the southern states, RSV has had an increase in number of cases early in the year. Even though RSV usually just presents itself with the symptoms of a cold – if it shows any symptoms at all – it can be dangerous.   RSV usually on...


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Summer has Arrived!

The Importance of Skin Protection

Hot weather is here, and with it comes days spent outside at the pool, lake, beach or doing other outdoor activities. As the body’s largest organ, our skin has a big job and it’s important to keep it protected from the harmful UV rays of the sun. This can help prevent skin cancer as well as overall damage to the skin that can cause wrinkles, sagging, sunspots, and other signs of damage and prem...


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Stay Safe on the Job

Workplace Safety Starts with Awareness

Today’s workplaces are safer than ever. Thanks to 21st-century safety features, workplace incidents are down from 10.9 incidents per 100 workers in 1972 to 2.8 per 100 in 2019 (source: OSHA). Staying educated and aware is key to continued workplace safety.  What contributes to employee injuries on the job?   In a nutshell, work-related injuries are any injury, illness, or condition you suffer...


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Keep Cool: Avoiding Dehydration This Summer

With average temperatures in the south hovering in the 90s during the summer months, many of us are no stranger to dehydration. Dehydration is when your body loses or uses more fluid than you take in. If you don’t watch out for the warning signs and rehydrate before it becomes severe, dehydration can have long-term effects on your health. What causes dehydration? Excessive sweating is a commo...


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Take Charge of Your Health with Free Annual Wellness Visits

When it comes to your health, it’s never too early to take preventive measures. One way you can keep a pulse on your health is to schedule a yearly wellness visit at HealthCARE Express. Covered by Medicare and most health insurance providers, annual wellness visits give you an opportunity to have an in-depth conversation with a doctor about your health. Medicare and most insurance providers co...


Showing: 111 to 120 of 422 (43 Pages)

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