HCE Blog

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COVID-19 vs The Flu

What’s the Difference Between COVID-19 & The Flu?

At the end of 2019, a new virus started to spread and created a global pandemic that is still taking the world by storm. COVID-19 has been wreaking havoc on our world for over two years now, cycling through its series of peaks and valleys, and affecting everyone in different ways. Flu season is not new by any means and having the flu is something most people have experienced for themselves. Th...


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Why You Shouldn't Vape

Why Vaping Is Bad For Your Health

If you haven’t heard of vaping or electronic cigarettes, aka e-cigarettes, their popularity is growing. This is especially true within our teenage population. There are lots of claims out there that vaping is safer than smoking traditional cigarettes while there are also claims that vaping actually does more damage to the body than cigarettes. So what are we supposed to believe? We at HealthCAR...


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Mocktail Recipes For The Holidays

Mocktails - The Tasty Alternative

  History of Mocktails Mocktails date back to 1916 when they started to appear in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as well as in the famous Jerry Thomas’s Bar-Tenders Guide. Sometimes referred to as temperance drinks, mocktails became very popular during the times of prohibition. After prohibition ended, the popularity of mocktails dwindled some but were not forgotten. If you have ever had a Sh...


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Holistic Remedies To Treat Your Cold

Treating A Cold Holistically

Did you catch a cold? It’s that time of year again where we are bound to get sick with the common cold. Stores are stocked with all kinds of medicine that can help make the symptoms of a cold less severe. Although these medicines can assist in treating a cold, they also fill your body with medicine which not everybody wants. Humans have been treating themselves with substances found in nature f...


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A Holiday Injury - It Could Happen To You

Holiday Injuries Are Common

The holidays are here. It should be a time of decorating the house, having loved ones over, and of course, wonderful holiday food. What you might not be expecting is to get an injury. Injuries are actually pretty common during the holidays. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there will be over 15,000 reported injuries related to the holidays. Nobody wants to be hurt during Han...


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The Flu & The Common Cold - What Is The Difference

Am I Sick With A Cold Or The Flu?

Cold and Flu season has started and unfortunately, chances are you will get sick. Americans will report over 1 billion colds as well as report over 36 million cases of the flu. That’s about 3 colds per person and just about 10% of the population getting the flu! That’s a lot of sickness. It is easier to treat our bodies when we know what is affecting us. With that said, do you know the differen...


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Thanksgiving Side Dishes

5 Non-Traditional Treats That Will Accent Your Meal

It’s that time of year again where we pause to give Thanksgiving. There is lots to be thankful for like our health, our jobs, the little getaways we were able to go on, and of course, our families & loved ones. In all holidays across all cultures, food celebrates the holiday event and Thanksgiving is no different. Turkey, potatoes, cranberries, pumpkin pie, and more Thanksgiving side dishes gen...


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When To Keep Your Child Home From School

Kids Get Sick As parents, we know one thing is certain about our children. They are going to get sick. When our tiny humans come to us, they are basically blank slates. That is why we need to teach them everything. Well, our children’s immune systems are also blank slates. Our children are more apt to get sick because their little bodies have not been exposed to all of the viruses and bacteria...


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Halloween Safety Tips

Halloween Time

Spooky season is upon us and that means candy, cavities, and above all, caution. Halloween can be an exciting time when your little monsters can dress up and create lasting memories. At HealthCARE Express we want to help ensure the health and wellness of your child, even outside of our clinics. To keep your family safe during the trick or treat hours, please follow these tips. 10 Tips For A Sa...


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Flu Shots - How The Flu Vaccine Helps

Flu Season Fall is here. Leaves are falling, school is in session, and holidays are being prepped. It’s also that time of the year again where we are entering flu season. Generally, the flu will affect between 9 million and 45 million people in the United States. Although the flu did not affect many people in 2020 due to COVID and COVID protocols, the flu has not gone away. If you are like mos...


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