HCE Blog

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Float Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a…Mosquito?

Let’s face it, there are a lot of bad things that come along with the summer, like the heat and sunburns. The worst though is all the bugs. At the start of spring, all those little monsters that were hiding away from the cold started crawling back into the land of the living, and by summer they’re everywhere. By far, one of the worst bugs is the mosquito. Besides the fact they carry some dead...


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We Treat Sports Injuries!

Around 1.5 million student-athletes suffer from sports-related injuries every year and are taken to various emergency and urgent care departments in the US. The sport that does the most damage to those playing it, though, is often football. People who play football risk more than just shoulder and knee injuries that are common in most sports. The forceful physical contact that is used in footba...


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Beat the Heat!

While a lot of good things come from being outside, there can be a few negatives as well, especially when it’s this hot out... One thing people don’t usually think about while spending a lot of time outside in the sun is the possibility of getting heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion occurs from spending too much time in a hot environment, especially if you are being active. The heat produced from...


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New Urgent Care Benefits for Veterans at HealthCARE Express

As a veteran run company, it always saddened us to see so few options were available to veterans seeking medical care. Recent changes have opened doors enabling veterans more freedom than ever when seeking healthcare. Under the VA Mission Act, the VA now offers a new urgent care benefit that provides eligible veterans the ability to seek out care in a participating urgent care facility. So, it ...


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Vaccines... How Do They Work?

It’s becoming a frighteningly common trend to not vaccinate children against highly infectious, and often deadly, diseases. There are a lot of misconceptions about what vaccines are and what they do. So, what are they? How do they work? There are several types of vaccines, and scientists are always working on creating newer and more effective ones. As of writing this article, here are the most...


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Understanding Your Insurance

Adulting is hard, you know? You’ve got bills to pay, debt to pay off, taxes to file, and so much more. And the worst part? Most of the time, we have no idea what we’re doing. It’s not like they explain these kinds of things in school— even though they probably should. And what about insurance? What do all of those terms even mean? Like deductible. Seriously? What’s that supposed to be? Luckily...


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Oh, Poop! Tips to Relieve Constipation

Let’s face it, everyone poops. Yes, I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true. Even ladies poop! Surprising, huh? Did you know that women report constipation issues more than men? Maybe it’s due to that rampant illusion that they don’t poop, they keep it in until they’re somewhere comfortable and discreet. But it turns out “holding it” is really bad for your overall colon health and can lead t...


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Playground Safety!

Children love to run around and have fun, especially when visiting a playground. They can be reckless, but not every risk to them comes from acting wild and having fun. Keep Children Within Sight At All Times -There are many dangers involved with children getting out of sight of their parent or the adult watching over them. They could be kidnapped, or they may hurt themselves. It’s best to k...


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Have you been in a car accident?

We have Brainscope One!

You’ve been in a car accident. You come out with some bruises and a headache. As the day goes on, you start to feel a little sick to your stomach. Maybe it isn’t just a headache. Maybe you’ve suffered from a concussion. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14.3% of traumatic brain injuries that occur, happen in car accidents. But how do you know if you’ve had a concus...


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Migraine Myth Busters

Myth Busting Remedies to Migraines and Headaches with Dr. Humza Siddiqi

  Many of us suffer from headaches, frequently or just on a rare occasion, but we all know just how miserable one can make you feel. Often, we’re so desperate to get rid of a headache or migraine we’re willing to try some extreme— and sometimes very strange— things to find relief. We asked one of our providers and fellow migraine sufferer, Dr. Humza Siddiqi, about his thoughts on different h...


Showing: 341 to 350 of 421 (43 Pages)

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