HCE Blog

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Take a Break!

When you’ve got a student loan payment to make, heartburn, a heavy workload, and your car acts like it doesn’t want to start up, are you Zen and calm? Or does it feel like your head is about to explode? Life brings stress, and the older we get the more stress we seem to collect. When stress becomes too much, our bodies tend to show it with illness. Ailments such as high blood pressure, hyperte...


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Shake It Out!

Have you ever left your legs crossed too long or leaned on your arm for a little longer than you thought? Did you get that sensation of pins and needles sticking you in your arm or leg? Instead of shaking your limbs, you may want to shake your head! The medical term for the numbness or tingling feeling is paresthesia and it is caused by constriction of the nerves that pass through the neck are...


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Ditch the Tweezers!

Try Glue For Getting Out Splinters

What’s tiny, hard to see, and leaves you in excruciating pain? Splinters! The infamous splinter, second only to a paper cut when it comes to small size and big pain, will begin to haunt our households now that school is back in session. As arts and crafts begin again and falls on wood chip filled playgrounds pick up, you need a quick and easy way to remove a splinter! The best way to deal wi...


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Ticked Off About Rashes?

While outdoor activities are fun, it's important to keep in mind there are various types of disease-carrying insects out just waiting for something (or someone) to pass by them to latch onto. One of these insects is, of course, the tick. Not every tick causes the same type of rash, as not all of them carry the same diseases. Here are the different types of rashes that can be caused by tick bite...


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Take on Motion Sickness with Ginger

Motion sickness is something many of us have experienced. From cars, to planes, to boats, we have all either fallen victim to or have witnessed someone else suffer from motion sickness. Though we aren’t sure the cause is always the same — conflicting sensory signals going to the brain — there may be a way to help fight off motion sickness. According to a study in the journal, Lancet, that too...


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The "Tea" on Fresh Breath

“Where there’s tea, there’s hope…and fresh breath.” Okay, so this isn’t EXACTLY how the Arthur Wing Pinero quote goes, but it’s true! Tea can freshen your breath. In 2003, a group of scientists from the University of Illinois in Chicago presented their findings to the American Society of Microbiology about how the compounds in tea can stop the bacterial growth that causes halitosis. Just one...


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Stretch Break!

Say goodbye to a limited range of motion and tight muscles! It’s time to stretch and get focused! How many times have you been at your desk and start daydreaming or thinking about EVERYTHING else you had to do or needed to do that day? How if you leave work at exactly 4:50 pm, you can miss after-work traffic, pick up dinner, drop it off and make it in time to your 5:30 hair appointment, when y...


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Witch Hazel to Take the Sting Out

As the end of summer approaches and football season begins, many of us will be spending a lot of time outside. Last-minute family reunions, Labor Day barbecues, and evening football practice will have us and our loved ones out and about. Sadly, as we catch the sun before it’s gone, there are a few pesky bugs following us around chasing us back inside. The main one being the infamous mosquito. ...


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Yoga Poses for Headache Relief

It’s Wednesday. Your head is throbbing as if it has a pulse, and you’re burnt out from dealing with everything that is “back to school.” Between work, meet the teacher, and shopping for school supplies “you” have been last on your “to-do list.” Due to the back to school rush, your eating and sleeping schedules have been terrible, and the tension headache you have is reminding you of it with ea...


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Beat the Stink!

Some of us have the misfortune of dealing with smelly feet. The odor is caused when your feet sweat and the bacteria on them begin to eat away at it. Gross, right? The fungus that causes athlete’s foot can also cause smelly feet. You could spend your money on expensive creams and medications, or you could try out this simple— and surprisingly efficient— hack!   You may have never thought abou...


Showing: 321 to 330 of 423 (43 Pages)

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