So, what exactly is the difference between the stomach virus, or viral gastroenteritis, and food poisoning? Well, not much. The symptoms are all quite similar, and the viruses associated with the stomach virus are ones linked to food poisoning. While it is often referred to as “stomach flu,” viral gastroenteritis isn’t related to the flu at all. Gastroenteritis is often caused by rotavirus or n...
Posted on Monday, September 23, 2019 8:00 am. READ MORE
It’s tough to meal prep for an entire week, and sometimes you’re just too tired to cook when you get home after a long day at work. It’s on those days when swinging through the drive-thru at your favorite fast food restaurant seems more and more appealing. But couldn’t that mess up your diet? Sure the menu displays the calorie count of the food you want to order, but what about the rest of...
Posted on Monday, September 16, 2019 11:38 am. READ MORE
Infectious mononucleosis, or simply “mono,” is a disease most commonly associated with teenagers and young adults. This is due to the stigma of mono being the “kissing disease.” It’s called this because it is transmitted through infected people’s saliva, so it is possible to contract it through kissing. Despite its nickname, though, it is far more common for people to get mono through sharing d...
Posted on Monday, September 16, 2019 8:21 am. READ MORE
Too many people don’t properly know how to prevent the spread of germs and disease, so sickness travels easily between people at work and at school. HealthCARE Express has a few tips to help you prevent the spread of germs so you can stay healthy and not let sickness interfere with your day.
Stay home when you’re sick. Going to school or work while you’re ill can spread germs to those that a...
Posted on Monday, September 9, 2019 8:00 am. READ MORE
We are always waiting for Monday, next week, or next month when it comes to exercise. We pump ourselves up to go to the gym only to be exhausted from a long work day and finding it hard to leave once you make it home. However, we have a solution! Keep a gym bag in your car or desk! We’ve tried this hack ourselves and it makes it easier for you to go to the gym because you have everything with y...
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:24 am. READ MORE
America is known—quite infamously, in fact—for its large portion sizes. So much so that some countries, such as Japan, are fascinated by how huge the “American Size” is. Sadly, that term isn’t just used for how big our food is. It’s used for people, too.
So, instead of serving yourself dinner on a regular dinner plate, opt for using an appetizer plate instead. Studies show eating on a smaller...
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:12 am. READ MORE
Busy schedule and just don’t have time for the gym? Deskercise! Sitting at your desk for 8 plus hours a day isn’t healthy. Daily activity doesn’t only help us get in shape, it also helps our mood! Daily exercise has been proven to give you more energy. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissue and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently! A healthy heart and lungs alw...
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:08 am. READ MORE
Take a shot for me—of liquid chlorophyll that is! If you are feeling sluggish and need a pick-me-up chlorophyll has been known to do the trick! Chlorophyll is known for its starring role in plant photosynthesis, but also benefits humans in a multitude of ways. A tablespoon of the dark green liquid can help with body odor, increase energy, protect you from cancer, and can help those suffering wi...
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:04 am. READ MORE
When it comes to eating out everyone wants to go, but no one wants the guilt that comes with ordering a burger and finishing it within 5 minutes. Instead of eating a full meal out, try eating 2 cups of veggies before you head to your favorite restaurant. By eating the veggies before you go, you are ensuring your body is getting the necessary vitamins and nutrients needed and filling your stomac...
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:03 am. READ MORE
Long day at the gym pushing yourself to new personal records? Grab some ginger! Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds and oils called gingerols that researchers have proven contain painkilling and sedative effects in mammals! Try adding some to your meals, juices, smoothies or teas and see the difference in your body the next day! Ginger can help your muscles recover faster than ever befo...
Posted on Thursday, September 5, 2019 11:01 am. READ MORE
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