HCE Blog

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It's Physical Fitness Month!

May is National Physical Fitness Month!   There are, of course, tons of reasons why being active and physically fit are beneficial to your health.   Benefits -Lowered risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some cancers -Weight management -Lowered cholesterol and blood pressure -Strengthened muscles, bones, and joints -Increased longevity   When we were kids, odds are we were ...


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Spring Cleaning Your Medicine Cabinet

It’s Spring, and you know what that means… It’s Spring cleaning time!   While you’re going about your Spring cleaning, don’t forget to clean out your medicine cabinet. It’s recommended that once a year, you toss out your expired medications. The expiration date refers to an unopened container, not opened ones. Opened containers of medicine should be tossed after a year, or sooner if it begins...


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Looking a Bit Spotty- Skin Cancer Awareness

We don’t often think of our skin as an organ, but it is just as much one as your stomach or brain. The skin is tough and has many different layers of defense to keep off harmful invaders that can harm the rest of the body. But with that in mind, it’s important to know that the skin isn’t infallible. It’s just as susceptible to illnesses and diseases as your other organs. Sadly, one of those dis...


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Not All Fun and Games- Sports Injuries

Sports. They’re all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And people get hurt all the time. Sometimes it’s a simple injury, just a sprained ankle, but it can be something severe, like tearing your anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). There are different types of sports injuries, including acute (sudden injuries) and chronic (injuries developed over a person’s athletic career) sports injuries. In...


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What a Pain! - Sprains

We all have memories of running around on the playground at school when we were kids. Maybe we were playing tag or running just for the sake of running because that’s just what kids do, but everything came to a grinding halt when your foot catches on a rock or a small hole and you go plummeting to the ground. You probably remember quite clearly the throbbing in your hands and knees from falling...


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A-Choose Allergy Treatments!

You go outside as the weather begins to change. The cold bite of winter has left the air and things are beginning to grow again. But there it is. You see it. A yellow powder covering your car. Pollen. You run back inside, but it’s too late. You’ve been exposed. Your nose starts to run and you begin to sneeze. It’s that time of year again:  Allergy season. Or maybe your eyes water and itch whe...


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Love Your Skin Coupon Books

Looking for the perfect gift for the one you love?  Any spouse or family member would love one of these packages!  Purchase a book today at our Dermatology & Age Management clinic located at 4401 Corporate Drive, Texarkana TX.  We are open Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm and Saturday 9 am to 12 pm by appointment. Please call 903-223-9911 with any questions you may have!   ...


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The Flu's Uglier Cousin

It starts off as just an unfortunate case of the flu, but instead of feeling better you start to feel worse. You have violent chills and break out in a cold sweat. Your chest aches with pain each time you cough. Your fever keeps climbing and climbing. 100. 101. It spikes. 104. You feel hot and cold all at the same time, and you didn’t even know that was possible. You can barely breathe. What’...


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Be The Light Festival

RSVP Today to Reserve your Free Lantern Come join us, HealthCARE Express, for a night of fun, festivities, and giving at the Be the Light Festival as we celebrate being part of the community for 12 years! This event will be taking place on January 23, 2018 at Eagle Hall on the Texas A&M campus from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. To get in, we only ask that you bring a donation to one of the charities...


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Bane of Babies

The winter season brings with it many different illnesses. Illnesses such as the cold and flu become increasingly common as the weather gets colder, but along with them comes respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Just the name of that virus may send a shiver down the spines of many of you. Even though RSV usually just presents itself with the symptoms of a cold— if it shows any symptoms at all— it...


Showing: 391 to 400 of 418 (42 Pages)

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