HCE Blog

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National Nurses Week 2022: Rooted in Strength

Nurses Are The Reason To Celebrate

For years, nurses have had many duties besides caring for patients and communicating with doctors that have just been hidden from the public eye. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the need for nurses has been an increasing one. Not only that, but their roles have changed over the course of COVID-19 where they are expected to take on more and more responsibilities, making healthcare the bigge...


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What Happens During a Sports Physical

Sport Physicals 101

We have all experienced a yearly check-up, aka yearly physical, where the doctor checks your weight, height, funny bone, etc. Ok, maybe not your funny bone–on purpose, but they do check all the necessities of ensuring you’re healthy. So, what’s the point of getting a sports physical if you’ve already done your yearly examination? Well, for one, most schools won’t let a student participate in a ...


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Stress Awareness Month - How To Handle Stress

Stop Stressing About Stress

April has been stress awareness month since 1992, created by the International Stress Management Association that was founded 20 years prior.  There have been numerous studies about what causes stress, the effects of it, stress related to a certain generation, and more. A study back in 2016 showed that 72% of adults feel the most stressed about money, 49% of adults experience a major stressful...


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X-Rays And Why You May Need One

X Marks the Spot for X-Rays

Whether you remember it or not, chances are you have had an x-ray at least once in your life either during a doctor’s visit, or while you’re at the dentist. X-rays are one of the most common ways to diagnose if your kid has swallowed a penny or not, among other things that this tool is used for— “tools” meaning x-rays, not pennies. Here at HealthCARE Express, we’ll be the first to admit that so...


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How to Talk to An Emergency Dispatcher

April: National 911 Education Month

Are you educated on what to do in an emergency? Do you know who to call and what to say? If you don’t, then not to worry because HealthCARE Express has all the answers you need to prevent yourself from standing at the phone booth asking yourself, “What’s the number for 9-1-1?”. When Should You Call 911 vs Going to HealthCARE Express Urgent Care? 911 is the nationwide phone number for emergenc...


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Stormie's Story: Colorectal Cancer Survivor

The journey of one woman's pursuit in finding her purpose.

  Have you ever wondered how you would respond in the face of adversity? Stormie Childer’s has had a long road to overcoming the lemons life has thrown at her, and she’s turning every one of them into the best lemonade on the market. In April of 2020, at the beginning of a pandemic, she started experiencing bowel issues and stomach pain. With a family history of colon cancer, she immediately sc...


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Hay Fever and Seasonal Allergies

Hey There, Hay Fever

Allergic Rhinitis, better known as hay fever or severe seasonal allergies, has us questioning if the colorful blossoms, green grass and trees are worth it. Seasonal changes and hay fever almost seem to be a package deal, but what exactly is hay fever?  Well, look no further, because HealthCARE Express has the answers you’ve been looking for.  Goodbye Cold, Hello Allergy Season It never fails ...


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How To Have Good Heart Health

Easy Ways To Have Good Heart Health

The heart: the global symbol for love, emotions, Valentine’s Day… but what is the heart in reality? Do you know how to have good heart health?  The heart is the most important muscle in our bodies, it’s what keeps our blood pumping and keeps us alive. One of the key ways to promote heart health is exercise. The obvious advantages of exercising include staying in shape or gaining muscle. Even m...


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Cardiovascular Disease - Information For Your Heart

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

It’s February and you know what that means! Hearts, hearts and more hearts! And no, I’m not talking about Valentine's Day, I’m talking about National Heart Month! Maintaining your personal heart health is among the best and easiest way to prevent cardiovascular disease (also known as heart disease),  and protect your heart. Here are a few bite-sized bits of info you keep you in-the-know about c...


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COVID-19 vs The Flu

What’s the Difference Between COVID-19 & The Flu?

At the end of 2019, a new virus started to spread and created a global pandemic that is still taking the world by storm. COVID-19 has been wreaking havoc on our world for over two years now, cycling through its series of peaks and valleys, and affecting everyone in different ways. Flu season is not new by any means and having the flu is something most people have experienced for themselves. Th...


Showing: 91 to 100 of 421 (43 Pages)

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