Frequently Asked Questions
I don’t have a username for my Portal. How do I get one?
Your username will be the email address you provided when filling out forms for your visit at HealthCARE Express. You should be able to log in with that email once we have marked you as "Web-enabled."
I forgot my username (email)/password!
You can simply press the “Trouble Logging In” button on the login page, and you can reset your username (email) or password.
What is the Practice Code?
The HealthCARE Express Practice Code is JBHHAD.
What should I do if I get locked out of my account?
If you get locked out of your account, contact your local HealthCARE Express.
How can I correct who the account belongs to if I accidentally selected the wrong thing?
You will have to uninstall and reinstall the app to reset the ownership.
How do I change my username (email)?
Contact your local HealthCARE Express.
How do I log in for the first time?
To log in for the first time using your practice code, first, tap “Get Started” and enter your Practice Code and tap “Login.”
How long does it take for results?/My results haven’t shown up yet!
Due to the national volume of COVID-19 and other tests, it is sometimes taking longer than normal to get results back. Please check your Portal daily, since we will push your results to the portal as soon as we receive them!
I can’t get to anyone when I try to call!
We are getting an influx of calls at this time from patients seeking results from their tests. If you are needing results, please visit the portal here or on the Healow app.