Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment

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Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects millions of men worldwide. ED is very treatable and can often be addressed with a simple evaluation by a healthcare professional. Many men experience ED at some point in their lives, and it's important to seek care so that you can get back to feeling like yourself. No need to visit a clinic in person; you can conveniently book a virtual visit today and get the care you need from the comfort of your home.

Schedule a Virtual Visit

Why is it Hard to Get or Keep an Erection?

There are many reasons why men might have trouble getting or keeping an erection. Some common causes include:

  • Age: As men get older, it can become more difficult.
  • Health Conditions: Diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can affect erections.
  • Medications: Certain medications can interfere with sexual function.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and drug use can also play a role.

Get the Help You Need

A healthy sex life and self-confidence is an important part of your health and quality of life. Talking to a healthcare provider can help you understand the cause of your ED and explore treatment options. If you notice you are having trouble getting or staying hard regularly, let's talk. You can even schedule a consultation from the comfort of your own home with a virtual visit.

Schedule a Virtual Visit

Schedule Erectile Dysfunction Virtual Visit

Book Your Virtual Visit Online

Schedule your virtual visit online, our virtual visit specialists will call to ask you a few questions about your basic health history before connecting you with a HealthCARE Express provider. 

Chat with a Provider

Your Healthcare Express provider will conduct a thorough virtual exam, answer any questions you may have and help to determine the best course of action to get you back in action.  

Begin Treatment

Once you and your provider decide what method is right for you, we will send any appropriate prescriptions to the pharmacy of your choice.