Take the Time to Breathe- Asthma
In people who suffer from asthma, the bronchial tubes in their lungs are always inflamed and are easily irritated. When faced with an irritant or trigger, the airways swell even more, tightening and making it even harder for the person to breathe. Mucus created in the lungs is produced in excess and closes the airways even more. Several different things can trigger an asthma attack, from changing seasons, exercise, or typical allergy triggers. For many people, allergies and asthma go hand in hand.
People with asthma have difficulty breathing normally, but when encountering a trigger it becomes even more difficult. Someone suffering from an asthma attack usually has wheezing breaths. They may complain of a tightness in their chest during an attack. Coughing and shortness of breath are also closely associated with asthma attacks.
Asthma attacks are closely related to physical activity. Some healthy people can even develop it while exercising. In these cases, people need to carefully manage their physical activity so they do not aggravate their asthma. By no means should they completely neglect exercising, though. The best way is to just know your limits and avoid pushing yourself too hard.
People with asthma should take care to avoid triggers that can cause an attack. Allergens such as tobacco smoke, pollen, pet dander, and dust are common triggers. Cold weather and changes in the weather can also trigger asthma attacks, though these conditions cannot be avoided. During these conditions, asthma sufferers should take care and keep their inhalers or medication on them. Laughing or crying can also trigger an asthma attack as these actions cause difficulties in breathing, especially in those who already have trouble breathing.
There’s no cure for asthma, but there are different medications and treatments that can help manage it. Doctors aren’t quite sure what the cause of asthma is, but it is believed to be hereditary. So, if you have asthma it is likely that your child may also have it.