Recordable vs. Non-Recordable In...

A Guide for Businesses and Healthcare Providers

The world of workers' compensation can be complex, and understanding the difference between recordable and non-recordable injuries is crucial for both businesses and healthcare providers like Healthcare Express. Let's delve into these distinctions, highlighting their significance and shedding light on OSHA reporting requirements.

What is a Recordable Injury?

As defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a recordable injury or illness is any work-related incident that results in one or more of the following:

  • Medical treatment beyond first aid. This includes any treatment provided by a licensed healthcare professional beyond basic first aid, like wound cleaning or administering over-the-counter pain medication. (Source: OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements:
  • Loss of consciousness, regardless of the duration. Even a brief loss of consciousness due to a work-related incident qualifies as recordable.
  • Days away from work (DAFW). If an employee misses even one full day of work (including the day of the injury) following the incident, it's considered recordable.
  • Restricted work or job transfer. This applies if the employee needs limitations on their usual job duties due to the injury, even if they remain employed.
  • Any diagnosed case of a serious work-related illness. This includes illnesses like cancer, chronic irreversible conditions, certain fractures, and punctured eardrums. (Source: OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements:

> Download a printable Employer Guide for Recordable vs. Non-Recordable Injuries.  

Recordable vs. First Aid:

It's important to distinguish between recordable and first-aid treatment. First aid is limited to basic care like applying bandages, administering ice packs, or stopping bleeding.

Examples of Non-Recordable Incidents:

  • Minor cuts, scrapes, or burns treated with basic first aid and requiring no further medical attention.
  • Minor headaches, nausea, or dizziness that resolve without medical intervention and do not result in lost work time.
  • Insect bites or stings that do not cause allergic reactions or require medical treatment.

Recording, Reporting, and Submitting:

These terms hold distinct meanings in the context of workers' compensation:

  • Recording: This involves documenting the details of a work-related injury or illness on the OSHA Form 300 (Log of Work-related Injuries and Illnesses).
  • Reporting: This refers to notifying the appropriate authorities, such as your state's workers' compensation board or insurance carrier, about a recordable incident.
  • Submitting: This means formally sending the completed OSHA Form 300 to OSHA at the designated time frame, typically annually.

Your Healthcare Partners Must Know the Difference:

At Healthcare Express, correctly differentiating between recordable and non-recordable injuries is essential because:

  • Ensures accurate reporting: Our healthcare providers are trained to assess injuries and illnesses accurately to maintain proper records and fulfill OSHA reporting requirements.
  • Protects both employees and employers: Accurate reporting ensures employees receive proper benefits and employers avoid potential penalties for non-compliance.
  • Facilitates efficient care: Understanding the recordability status allows us to prioritize treatment plans and optimize care delivery.

Penalties for Inaccurate Reporting:

Employers who fail to report recordable injuries or submit inaccurate information to OSHA can face significant penalties, including:

  • Fines: Depending on the severity of the violation, fines can range from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Increased insurance premiums: Workers' compensation insurance providers may adjust premiums based on a company's safety record and reporting compliance.
  • Reputational damage: Inaccurate reporting can damage a company's reputation and negatively impact employee morale.

OSHA Reporting Requirements:

OSHA mandates specific reporting requirements for employers. These include:

  • Maintaining accurate records of all work-related injuries and illnesses on the OSHA Form 300.
  • Submitting the completed Form 300 electronically to OSHA by July 31st of the following year for covered establishments.
  • Reporting certain severe work-related fatalities or hospitalizations within 24 hours to OSHA. (Source: OSHA Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements:

Feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of recordable vs. non-recordable injuries? Don't navigate this alone! At Healthcare Express, we're your one-stop shop for all things occupational medicine and workers' compensation, making your life easier and ensuring compliance.

Our healthcare providers are extensively trained to accurately assess work-related incidents, taking the guesswork out of recordable vs. non-recordable reporting. This ensures you stay compliant with OSHA regulations, saving you valuable time and potential penalties.

We offer a comprehensive suite of services to streamline your occupational medicine needs, from pre-employment screenings and employer-paid services to on-the-job injury treatment. Partner with Healthcare Express and experience the peace of mind that comes with expert guidance, accurate reporting, and a dedication to employee well-being.